November 9, 2012 View this email in your browser
The Sexual Recovery Institute Intensive Programs

Many Couples Unaware That Fixation On Fictional Romance Can Change Relationship Views


There’s more going on with the television screen than just watching romantic drama unfold. Couples who watch romance TV, including romance reality shows, may feel that they’ll have to spend a great deal of time and energy on their relationship and may be reluctant to give up their freedom. They may also have a lower desire to truly commit to the relationship.

Increasing studies are looking at ways romance TV may shift couples’ views of their own relationship, and if people translate what they see on the screen into their real worlds. A study of 400 people who were in a marriage asked questions to see if what they see on the screen could impact their views of their marriage. Those who thought the "dream" romances viewed on TV or in movies could be real seemed to have a lesser level of commitment. This may be linked to a belief that the relationship would cost them in terms of time and energy toward their partner.

Latest News

Sexual Objectification: May Be Hand in Hand with Sexual Addiction

As research continues about sexual addiction and pornography addiction, a new term is becoming more utilized – "sexual objectification." Through exploring sexual objectification and what it means, people living with the complex condition of sexual addiction may gain new insights.


The Link Between Childhood Trauma and Sex and Love Addiction

It is widely established in the field of psychology that there is a link between a troubled childhood-or unhealthy parent-child bonds-and a pattern of sex and love addiction later in life. Sex and love addiction is considered to be a disorder of emotional intimacy.


Young Men & Viagra Abuse: Dangerous Dependencies & Sexual Problems

Excessive blood pressure and vision changes are just a start for 20-something and 30-something men reporting they’ve become addicted to or dependent on Viagra for their sexual experiences. Feelings of shame, depression and being trapped by the drug are also becoming more widespread among younger men who’ve experimented with the popular erectile dysfunction drug illegally from false prescriptions or street sources.


New Study Strongly Supports 'Sex Addiction' Diagnosis

Sexual addiction is among the most hotly debated topics in the psychiatric community. Does it exist? If so, how do we define it? What should we call it? And does it belong in the DSM -- the "diagnostic bible" for psychological disorders? Needless to say, there is always controversy if and when any form of inherently-healthy human behavior is clinically designated as pathological, and rightfully so.

Read more in a Huffington Post blog by our founder, Robert Weiss...

The next Two-Week Intensive Treatment Program begins November 22nd!

The SRI Two-Week Intensive Programs is a two-week education and therapy curriculum focused on helping our patients identify and eliminate all sexual acting out behavior and develop the tools needed to prevent sexual relapse.

Less costly and time consuming than a 4-6 week hospital or residential treatment, the Two-Week Intensive Programs offers many similar benefits, including spousal involvement, structured social support, psycho-education and daily individual therapy.

Learn more about our Two-Week Intensive Program or Contact us to Reserve a Spot.

You're Invited to our Next Lunch & Learn Event

Martha Simpson Revell, MA, CSAT-3, Addiction Specialist at SRI will present:

"Treating Sex Addiction in the New Media Frontier"
(A lecture created by our Founding Director, Robert Weiss, LCSW, CSAT-S)

When: Friday, November 30th from 11:30 to 2pm
Where: The Palm Restaurant
9001 Santa Monica Blvd, LA 90069

1 CEU and Lunch will be provided
Cost: $20

Space is limited so please RSVP by November 26th to:
Sarah Chapin, Executive Director: or 323.395.9778

Recovering from Infidelity Group

Beginning Tuesday, November 13th, Addiction Specialist Marty Simpson Revell, MA, CSAT-3, will host a weekly group therapy session focusing on recovering from infidelity. The group will help increase self-awareness leading to a deeper understanding of what causes us to get involved in unhealthy relationships, and what gets in the way of setting healthy boundaries. In addition to the educational component of the group, members will have an opportunity to process feelings and will benefit from sharing their experience with others in a supportive environment facilitated by an experienced clinician.

Learn more at


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